Friday, February 2, 2007

Training in the Winter

One of the hardest things to do as a multi-sport athlete is to dress appropriately for the workout. As athletes, we know that if we are going to go on a two hour ride in 30 degree temperatures, we must dress very warmly and make sure that we are not cold throughout the ride. However, what do we wear during a 50 degree day. Do we wear only arm warmers and shorts or do you wear arm warmers and leg warmers.

As an athlete, it is a must to dress appropriately so that you can focus on the workout at hand and not on the weather induced pain from the cold. Also, staying warm and not cold, will prevent hypothermia and extreme stress on the body.

For more winter workout tips and what to wear, check out this article from Coach Gale Bernhardt. For more information or any questions, feel free to email Jamie at

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