Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Running Pace...

As multi-sport athletes, we are used to talking to a fellow athlete and hearing the words - "I am going on a 5 mile run today." This tells us that they are going for a specific distance, but what pace are they going to run and what pace should they run.

Pacing has always been a key to specific running and training. When to run what pace and why to run the pace is a very important key to run training.

Check out this article that details running pace and the associated efforts. For more information or any questions, feel free to email Jamie at

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Staying Healthy

During the spring time, most multi-sport athletes begin to bump their training up from a low key base building to a more intense build phase to get ready for their races. Also, in spring time, many allergies start to appear and the constant action of trying to stay healthy becomes harder and harder.

As we push our bodies into more training volume and more training intensity, it becomes harder and harder for our bodies and our immune systems to keep sicknesses, allergies, and diseases from attacking our bodies. So, not only do we have to keep a detailed log of our intense training, we also must be concerned with staying healthy and keeping our body free from sickness.

Check out this article that details ways to train hard, but also stay healthy. For any comments or any questions, feel free to email Jamie at

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Is Caffeine For Real?

Before any multi-sport event, you will likely see hundreds of your competitors sipping on their coffee. For many people, this is a morning ritual completed every morning as they rise out of bed. For others, this is a great way to get some caffeine, a stimulant, in them before the start of the race.

For years, there has been debates and debates over the pros and cons of drinking coffee. Although drinking coffee does provide a stimulant response from the coffee, there have also been studies to show the risks and dangers associated with drinking coffee.

As with most anything, drinking coffee before a race or a workout becomes very personal. What works well for you may not work at all for your training partner. Check out this article that details the benefits and dangers of drinking coffee before races or workouts. For any questions or comments, feel free to email Jamie at

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

The Art of Recovery Nutrition

As many multi-sport athletes progress into their build phase, they will start completing more intense workouts that create more of a strain and place more stress on their body. As this happens, it is key to think highly of the recovery process.

Not only does the recovery process involve rest and recovering the sore muscles by icing and heating respectively, another key to recovery is the nutrition. According to most nutritionists and coaches, there is a key 30 minute window to really help with recovery by taking in recovery nutrition. As with any nutrition item, there are many questions and ways to use nutrition as a tool for recovery.

Check out this article that details how to use nutrition in a way to benefit your recovery process. For more information or any questions, feel free to email Jamie at

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Recovery Workouts

For many athletes, a "recovery" day does not necessarily mean a day off. Instead, it means a "recovery" workout. Many athletes and coaches think of a recovery workout as an excellent way to rid your body of the lactic acid built up in an intense workout. But, there are many other reasons for "recovery" workouts.

Check out this
article that details some of the benefits of a recovery run. For more information and any questions, feel free to email Jamie at

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Quality Trainer Workouts

For many athletes, until the time changes and the weather changes, they are limited to doing 75% of their cycling indoors on the trainer. For many multi-sport athletes, they will find that just getting on the trainer in itself will improve their base and therefore improve their fitness and speed.

However, after a few weeks of purely pedaling on the trainer, it will be beneficial to incorporate specific trainer workouts into the athlete's schedule. This may consist of doing trainer specific drills that focus on improving form and improving efficiency. Or, this may consist of doing specific intervals that focus on building the athlete's threshold or improving speed.

Check out this article that details some trainer workouts for the build phase. Feel free to email Jamie with any questions or comments at

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Running Drills

As triathletes, many athletes concentrate highly on form by incorporating drills in their cycling and swimming workouts, but rarely incorporate drills in their running workouts.

Why is this? From our birth, we have grown up running - running around our house, running in our neighborhood, and just flat out running for fun. We were born with the instinct to run on our two feet which is different from swimming in the water and cycling on a bike that has 23cm wide tires.

Even though we were born with the instinct to run, there are still many drills that athletes can incorporate into their workouts to allow their run leg to become more efficient. There are cognitive drills, for example, counting your run cadence over the course of a minute to see if it is around the theoretical perfect number of 90 foot strikes per minute. There are technical drills, such as strides that incorporate fast turnover and a high knee.

Check this article out as it details some running drills to incorporate into your workouts. For more drills and any questions, feel free to email Jamie at

Friday, February 23, 2007

Surviving the Open Water

For many triathletes, the first race of the season, and maybe the first race ever, will take place in the next few months. For many people, this open water swim start will be a very daunting task for many novice triathletes.

The open water swim start can be very frightening for many people. This is because the first part of the swim can become very much a contact sport for the first few minutes. There are many things a novice triathlete can do to help with this scary feeling. Check out this article that details some ways to improve your open water swim. Feel free to email Jamie at for more information.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

The Many Ways to Train

As you begin to read the books and talk to coaches about how to train, one begins to feel engulfed on what to use for their training. Should an athlete use Zones based on a Heart Rate Monitor, should an athlete monitor their performance on a bike with a power meter, should an athlete use GPS to monitor their pace, or should an athlete go old school and go with perceived effort?

There can be made arguments for each type of training tool. Some provide very and precise training measurements while others provide useful, but more old school ways of training. In my opinion, it depends on the athlete and exactly what and why they are using the equipment.

Check out this article that details some of the different training tools and ways to use them. For more questions and information, feel free to email Jamie at

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Should I Stand or Should I Sit?

You are coming up onto Mile 10 of a 20K bike portion of the race. You know, from reading the race map, that within Mile 10, there is a .5 mile climb. Should you stay seated for the climb or should you stand for the climb?

The answer here depends both on your physical makeup and also the type of run that follows this bike. Because standing recruits more muscle and also places more stress on your physiological system, it will more than likely raise your Heart Rate faster than staying seated.

However, this may not mean that standing is less efficient than sitting. What if you can summit the climb 15 seconds faster than you could if you stayed seated. Then, depending on how much you have increased your Heart Rate, you may actually be more efficient standing.

The run following also plays a key in this question. If you have a shorter, faster type run following the bike and have trained well, then it may be wise to sacrifice a bit of efficiency for the faster climb - go ahead and stand. If you have a disproportionate race and have a 8 mile run following the bike, save your legs and stay seated for a little longer.

This is a very intriguing subject. Check out this article detailing more pluses and minuses for climbing and seating. For more information, feel free to email Jamie at

Friday, February 16, 2007

Improving your Swim

Many multi-sport athletes spend countless hours in the pool a year staring at a black line. With the intent on yardage rather than quality, many of these athletes seem to never get any faster in the water. Why is this?

Although swimming yardage will generally improve your swim endurance, it may not necessarily improve your swim speed. Compared to the other sports of running and cycling, swimming is a much more "form" oriented sport. To excel at swimming, not only must you spend time in the water, but you must have a specific focus for each workout.

This may mean on Monday doing 10 x 100 with :30 rest focusing on a tempo effort throughout the swim. And, on Thursday, this may mean emphasizing drilling and technique in the main set of Thursday's swim.

Drills, performed correctly, are the swimmer's best friend. Technique is so key in swimming that "drilling" must be performed year round to excel at swimming. There are many different types of swim drills that each focus on specific parts of the stroke. Find your weakness and find a drill that will help develop that weakness into a strength.

Check out this article for tips on how to improve your swim technique. For any questions or for any swim drills, feel free to email Jamie at

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Racing Season is Almost Here

For many athletes, a race is the culmination of weeks and months worth of hard and focused training. The question that is always asked is "How hard is too hard?" when discussing a race.

Many athletes often train in a gray zone and thus are never able to find their "racing zone" when it comes to races. I was once told that one of the biggest mistakes endurance athletes make is not training hard enough on hard days and training too hard on easy days. This will leave an athlete too tired to race well and lacking enough hard efforts to really put forth a race effort.

So, how does one find their racing zone? Check out this article that details ways to find your racing zone. For more information, please contact Jamie at

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The Runner's Injury - Plantar Fasciitis

Every multi-sport athlete will likely, at one time in their life, have to deal with some type of injury that interrupts their training plans or even temporarily prevents them from doing the sports they love. For runners and triathletes alike, one of the most common injuries is that of Plantar Fasciitis.

The key to overcoming an injury is not only in prevention, but in the method of healing the injury. The longer the injury persists, the longer we are forced to cross-train or not work out at all. So, the question becomes, "How do I heal my injury without losing fitness"?

Check out the article below from Stacey Smith that details some options for healing of plantar fasciitis. Stacey is an up and coming running coach pending her USATF Coaching Certification. For more information on her training packages, feel free to email Stacey or Jamie Church.

"My marathon is eight weeks away, but I can't walk like a normal human being from my bed to the bathroom this morning! (Sound familiar???) When I wake up- my right heel, arch and achilles are seemingly 'stuck' in that shortened position they adopted six hours ago when I laid down to go to sleep. Only my right foot suffers the problem. Six hours ago I could walk like a normal person, yet I am now hobbling like a cowboy who just got off his horse after riding for a week straight! I roll out of bed. En-route to the bathroom I bow my legs out at the knees, balance myself completely on the outside edges of both feet with my ankle bones nearly touching the carpet when I walk. I'm only 35 years old for crying out loud! What's wrong with me? I've got 'marathon-on-the-brain' and I'm at my limit with this painful morning ritual!

Anyone who is blessed with this little nagging problem called 'plantar fasciitis' likely has a morning ritual similar to mine. I've talked to several other runners, walkers, podiatrists and non-athletes about this problem. I've tried every recommendation each of those people offered not to mention every suggested treatment I could find listed in books and online in order to avoid the dreaded final options of cortisone injections or surgery. With a combination of little things taken from all those sources I found a way to keep the plantar fascia demon at bay.

The routine: Do not be lax with this! Even when your feet feel good in the morning do not skip the routine! Before you step one foot out of bed, stretch your legs. Gently massage and work your toes, arch, achilles and especially your calves out of the short, tight position they've been stuck in since you fell asleep. Pull your toes up towards you and rub/massage the bottoms of your feet. The idea is to saturate your feet with blood so they're warm and 'pliable' BEFORE you get out of bed instead of expecting them to be happy holding up your entire being while they're cold, stiff and still asleep. This only takes a minute or two to do! Wake your feet up BEFORE you try to use them! I do this every morning. If I don't do it, my feet are still tight and inflexible when I try to stand on them. This only aggravates them and they start the day inflamed and irritated because I tried to stomp them to life with my weight when they were still sleeping! I end up spending the rest of the morning hobbling around trying to calm them down from an evil wake-up call.

You must do the wake-up stretching and massage religiously! At the recommendation of a friend I even spell the entire alphabet out with my feet after I'm done massaging them. I lay on my back, one leg raised, spelling out each letter of the alphabet with each foot individually. It isn't as easy as you think! I only got to letter 'k' on my first attempt. Your feet will gain so much flexibility if you include the alphabet session in your morning routine. Flexibility is key to eliminating plantar fascia problems. Simple, eh?

I take this all a step further (no pun intended!). While I'm having breakfast I rest my feet on a very warm bean-bag-buddy (Wal-Mart, $10) which pools the blood into my arches and heels and keeps the fascias warm, loose and flexible. I was always told to ICE my feet for plantar fascia (and I do ice after my workouts) but at the moment I'd rather my fascia and achilles be saturated with blood so they move freely in every direction. This way they won't become irritated when I really start walking around on them.

I find that stretching my calves throughout the day keeps my fascia from getting short and tight again as they tend to do when I sit down for any extended amount of time. Think about it. The calve stretch is key. The calve is the lifeline to the achilles which leads right down to that beloved fascia! It's a snowball effect. You must keep all the parts happy in order for them to make YOU happy.

The basic idea behind my routine is to stop the irritation of the fascia before it starts. Get those feet warmed up and ready before you use them in the morning. Keep them happy in little stretching spurts during the day. Ice them to reduce any inflammation after your workouts and walks. Heat them after you ice them so they become pliable again. Roll your arch over a golf ball to really get the circulation going deep into the base of the heel.

So, eight weeks later I ran my marathon. It was outstanding! I suffered no problems at all during or even after the event and I've noticed a huge decrease in pain and tightness of my fascia (even in the mornings!) ever since I started this routine. I STILL do all of these things every single day because I fear the monster will return if I stop the ritual. I can run more now than ever before and I can do speed workouts without being crippled for a week at a time. The routine is cake! Massage, stretch, heat, ice, maintain. Cake!"

Monday, February 12, 2007

The Correct Amount of Calories for Endurance Events

For many athletes, the "endurance" battle of triathlon is only the half the battle. The other part of the battle comes from the effort of getting the correct amount of calories. Too many calories and your body will not be able to digest the calories and will cause you to have stomach cramping or other problems. Too few calories and your body will not have enough energy to keep you going throughout the race.

Getting enough calories for your race is key. The way to take in these calories and the type of calories varies very differently depending on the length of the race. For example, in a one hour sprint triathlon, your body will be peaked out most of the time and be burning plenty of carbohydrates very quickly. But because your body has enough of these carbs to burn for around one and a half hours, you should be fine to use an electrolyte solution to stay hydrated.

With an Ironman however, it becomes very different. The athlete will be on the course anywhere from 9 hours to 17 hours and must be fueled for the entire race. Because this race will be raced at a more aerobic effort, it is important to teach your body first to take energy from your body's fat and then from the glycogen.

Nutrition can be a very funny thing and is very individualized for every athlete. What may work for you may not work for your friend. Check out this article on nutrition from 6 Time Hawaii Ironman winner Mark Allen. For more information or any questions, please email Jamie at

Sunday, February 11, 2007

The Benefits of Trail Running

For many people, running presents many obstacles including the chance of injury. Because running is such an impact sport, the harsh pounding from miles and miles on the pavement, can cause many different types of running injuries.

This is one of the reasons why triathlon in itself is becoming such a popular sport. Athletes like the three disciplines. Not only do the three sports give the athlete the chance to break things up, it also allows them to cross-train and hopefully keep injury free.

So, what if you love to run and still find that you have running injuries no matter what type of shoes you wear and how careful you are. Give trail running a try. Not only does trail running strengthen different muscles that you do not use while road running, it will also delay the onset of any type of injury because of the comparatively soft dirt.

Check out this article for more information on the benefits of trail running. For any more questions or for where to trail run in your area, please email Jamie at

Saturday, February 10, 2007

The Ingredients of Sweat

Have you ever wondered what is in the pool of sweat below your bike after your hard one hour trainer workout? And, have you ever wondered what type of supplements you should take to replace the electrolytes lost during your workout.

Even in the cold of winter, an athlete will not only lose fluid during a workout, but also many valuable electrolytes. So, the question becomes what electrolytes are lost and how does the athlete replace them? There are many "electrolyte" drinks such as Gatorade, Powerade, and others. These electrolyte replacements may be enough for some athletes, but some athletes may need more.

Check out this article for more information on what is in your sweat and how to replace the electrolytes.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Bilateral Breathing?

For many triathletes, the swim portion of the triathlon is their weakest. Because of this, some triathletes will spend countless hours in the pool trying to develop pure technique and correct form.

As mentioned in a previous post, to develop sound form, one must spend time perfecting what they are practicing. One of the most important fundamentals to swimming is the aspect of breathing. To have a sound swim portion of the race, the athlete must be comfortable with their ability to breathe - and hopefully to both sides.

As I have worked with various athletes over the years, I have found that it is much more natural for a person to tend to breathe dominantly to their dominant side. For example, I am left-handed and find that it is much more natural for me to breathe to my left side. From working with athletes, this can be said for 90% of the triathlete population.

So, a common question that is asked is "Should I breathe bilaterally or am I fine breathing to one side?" There are many benefits to breathing bilaterally. These benefits include a decrease risk of injury, the ability to sight to both sides, and many more muscular benefits.

Check out this article for more information on bilateral breathing. For more information, feel free to email Jamie at

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Strength Training for the Endurance Athlete

As we most endurance athletes begin now to become "serious" about their training, one of the questions also asked and always debated is "Should I be lifting weights?

Generally considered a "correct" thing to do, there are also negative attributes that can be attributed to lifting weights as well. One of the biggest is time. If an athlete only has time to do either a 45 minute bike or a 45 minute strength session focusing on the legs, usually it is better to go ahead and do the sport specific workout - the bike.

However, there are many positives associated with strength training such as stronger muscles and the ability to withstand injury. For more information on strength training for the endurance athlete, check out this article.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Practice Makes Perfect?

We have all heard the saying, "Practice Makes Perfect", but what if the technique you are practicing is far from perfect. Will this Practice still make Perfect?

In no sport in this more true than in swimming. In the bike and the run, athletes can muscle their way through the disciplines and still have great success. However, this is far from true with the swim. Swimming is very, very technique and form oriented and in order to get better and faster, not only must you swim consistently, but you also have to maintain and practice the proper form.

Check out this article that gives insight into proper form.

Friday, February 2, 2007

Training in the Winter

One of the hardest things to do as a multi-sport athlete is to dress appropriately for the workout. As athletes, we know that if we are going to go on a two hour ride in 30 degree temperatures, we must dress very warmly and make sure that we are not cold throughout the ride. However, what do we wear during a 50 degree day. Do we wear only arm warmers and shorts or do you wear arm warmers and leg warmers.

As an athlete, it is a must to dress appropriately so that you can focus on the workout at hand and not on the weather induced pain from the cold. Also, staying warm and not cold, will prevent hypothermia and extreme stress on the body.

For more winter workout tips and what to wear, check out this article from Coach Gale Bernhardt. For more information or any questions, feel free to email Jamie at

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Getting Enough Calories

As many Ironman athletes know, half the battle of the race is nutrition. How to get enough calories and when to take in the calories are two of the main nutritional concerns that athletes have.

An Ironman consists of 10 - 15 Hours of pure endurance type activity. Because of this, the athlete must have a great aerobic base and also must possess the ability to be able to fuel his/her body during the entire event by taking in the necessary amount of calories.

Check out the article below, by Robert Kunz, of First Endurance, to get ideas on how to obtain the necessary calories during long distance events.

How do I get enough calories in during long races?
Robert Kunz, MS

As the distance increases in training and racing, so does the importance and reliance on nutrition. Fueling a long workout can many times be a daunting task when considering fuel type, electrolyte balance, digestibility, solid vs. liquid, taste and performance. Many athletes are left at a loss and don’t know exactly what to do.

Though science and products have come a long way, endurance nutrition is still in its infancy. There is still an abundance of information we do not know about ideal fueling for ultra long training and racing. With athletes pushing the limits of endurance we are constantly evolving in our design and recommendation of endurance nutrition. Because the human body is highly adaptable, the task of developing a nutrition plan does not need to be as complex and technically advanced as you think.

The following recommendations are based both on science and experience. I have purposely left numbers and specifics out of these recommendations because they tend to be too rigid and also cloud important principals that should be used to develop an individualized program. If you want specifics about what carbohydrates and amounts you need review the Carbohydrates for Endurance Newsletter. Follow these few basic principles and you will remain well fueled for Ultra long workouts.

Nutrition Training!
Practicing your nutrition is equally as important as your physical workout. The simple act of taking nutrition in at the same rate and make-up as you plan on race day is the act of nutrition training. It may take an athlete 12 weeks to work up to a 20 mile run. Equally, it may take you 12 weeks to train your body to adapt to its nutrition demands.

Adapt your Nutrition!
Make adjustments to your nutrition in order to pinpoint your strategy. Every human is infinitely different and requires self-adjustments in order to peak. A nutrition plan, weather it comes from a book, coach or on-line is only a recommended blue-print. Use this recommendation and adjust as necessary to meet your needs.

Find your limit! Training = Practice
How many calories can you consume in an hour when your heart rate is at threshold? This is what practice is all about. When we train, we all have workouts where we max our HR, hence we all know what our max is. Knowing your max nutrition consumption is a big step in determining what you can handle calorically over the long-haul.

Build from your Foundation
A foundation including a mix of carbohydrates, electrolytes and amino acids is simply your foundation. Once that has been established add foods, snacks or drinks personalized to you.

Eat what you crave
When going Ultra long, it is critical that you take in calories. It is much easier and more satisfying to consume what you crave, then to struggle with consuming what you think you should consume. As long as your foundation (see above) is solid, consuming foods that you normally crave, not only leads to satiety, it parallels what your body needs. IE: Athletes who crave sweets, need sweets..athletes who crave salt, need salt. Your body is very smart in its ability to send signals to your brain letting you know what you need.

The take home message in these recommendations is to treat your nutrition like you do your physical training. Learn from your workouts and constantly fine tune your nutrition. Keep in mind that practicing your nutrition during workouts not only assures you will be prepared on race day, it also goes a long way in improving your ability to work out and recover better. In the end it’s these workouts that make you a faster endurance athlete. If you leave the nutrition out until a week before your race, then you missed a golden opportunity.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Strong Legs for the Multi-Sport Athlete

Many multi-sport athletes often refrain from any type of strength training involving the legs. "I want to be rested for tomorrow's run" or "Lifting weights will hurt my ride tomorrow" are common reasons given for not lifting any weights with the legs.

If planned and executed properly, a lifting routine involving your legs will not only provide a very solid foundation, but also provide plenty of power and aerobic endurance. This power and endurance will not only help you on a workout to workout basis, but it will also provide you with the strenght you need to maintain good health and form through a season lasting as long as 10 months.

Check with a professional coach or a veteran athlete to see how you can incorporate strength training into your base building phase. Check out this
article from Runner's World to see how you can improve your leg strength. For any questions, feel free to email Jamie at

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Training While Sick?

As we turn the page into February, many multi-sport athletes will start picking up their training and throwing in more and more intense workouts. While these intense workouts are great for getting the body ready for racing, it also will decrease our body's ability to fight diseases.

Because of this, endurance athletes have to be very careful about the fine line. Train too little and you will be disappointed with your performance during the season. Overtrain, and your body will not have enough strength to fight off disease and you may find yourself sitting out the 2007 season.

Check out this article that discusses your body's ability to fight off diseases. For more questions, email Jamie at

Friday, January 26, 2007

Weight Training

When athletes hear the words "weight training", they automatically think of a gym set up with many athletes bench-pressing and squatting thousands of pounds. "Weight Training" can take on a different approach.

Over the winter and off season, many multi-sport athletes have a tendency to put on a little extra weight. The struggle there in lies in how to best get back down to the proper "race weight." Many athletes have an ideal "race weight." If you race at a weight too heavy, you will lose performance because you are carrying excess pounds. Race a weight too light than your ideal "race weight", you will more than likely lose performance because you have lost muscle with the drop in the weight. The trick comes in finding your ideal "race weight."

For more information on finding your "race weight," check out this
article on how to drop to your race weight. For any questions, feel free to email Jamie at

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Running in the Cold

At this point in the year, many multi-sport athletes will take their training indoors. This can especially be seen with running. Many athletes shun the cold and will take their run training indoors to the treadmill.

Treadmills can be very valuable tools. For example, Hunter Kemper, the #1 ITU Triathlete in the World in 2005, does almost 80% of his run training on the treadmill. Not only is a treadmill more cushioned than the hard concrete or asphalt, it is also a great training tool for intervals and other workouts such as tempo runs. This is because you can set your pace for the interval and not worry about other outside factors such as Heat, Cars, and other environmental factors.

This being said, it is also very beneficial to brave the cold weather and run in the outdoors during the winter time. Not only will you get used to the cold, you will also teach your body to maintain an even pace without having to maintain an even stride length or cadence. You will also give your body the jolt of an increase in heart rate at times due to hills. Most of all, you will experience the outdoors the same as in the race.

For more information about training in the outdoors during the winter, check out this article. And for more information, feel free to email Jamie at

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The Dreaded Swim

Many triathletes love the bike and run portions of the race, yet cannot stand the swim portion of the race. For many athletes, this is because of a lack of efficient form. More than any discipline, the swim portion of the race requires efficient technique throughout the entire swim cycle. From the entering of the hand, to the pull, and to the exit of the hand, every part of this must be efficient to allow the swimmer the desired result - to be fast.

For many triathletes, a good way to learn the proper technique of the swim is to have another athlete check your form out or hire a coach to look at your form and give you the proper pointers. However, it is always a good idea to understand the fundamentals of the swim stroke by reading and studying articles from other coaches.

One of the most overlooked part of the freestyle stroke is how to breathe properly. For proper breathing, one must breathe in when coming up to breathe and constantly exhale while underwater all to repeat the cycle again.

For more information on how to breathe properly during the Freestyle stroke, check out this article. For any questions or comments, email

Quality Workouts

For most of us, triathlon and multi-sport is not a profession, yet a hobby. However, most of us enjoying the thrill of beating our previous time in a given race. To do this, an athlete must concentrate on "Quality" mileage versus "Junk" mileage.

Rather than focusing on time spent per week, it is more appropriate to focus on "quality" time per week. This can be done by doing every workout with a purpose. Instead of swimming three days a week for 30 minutes at a time at the exact same speed, break the workouts up and swim one day focusing on speed, one day focusing on endurance, and the third day focusing on drills and technique.

Training with a purpose takes time - in that it involves a much more detailed workout plan. One must either hire a coach who believes in uality workouts or take a hour or two each weekend to plan the next week's training schedule.

Just because "Person A" trains 15 hours a week and "Person B" trains 9 hours a week does not mean in all cases that "Person A" will be faster.

Check out this article that shows the benifits of purposeful workouts. For any questions, feel free to contact Jamie at

Monday, January 22, 2007

Winter Marathon Time?

As we move into the latter part of January, many endurance athletes are starting to plan out their season and getting back to their "base" phases. For many athletes, there is a great benefit to running an early season winter marathon.

Not only will running a winter marathon help to improve aerobic capacity, it will also allow the athlete to create a huge base for the run and help the athlete to more quickly build speed for the run. This base will translate to more speed on the run and also help with the aerobic base for the swim and the bike.

Many triathletes and duathletes, including many of my athletes, run marathons during the winter. This is a great training exercise and also a great way to establish a goal for the winter months. Check out this article with more information on how and why to train for a winter marathon.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Protein in Sports Drinks?

By now, you may have heard of the buzz around Protein. Up until a few years ago, the only people who seemed to care about protein were bodybuilders and weightlifters because protein helps to repair the damaged muscles.

Nowdays, protein not only is popular among weightlifters, it has made its way into the endurance community as well. There is no questions that protein is a valueable choice in your recovery food or drink of choice because of its abilities to repair musle, but is protein essential to your "during" sports drink.

Accelerade, one of the leading sports drink, does have a 4 to 1 Carbohydrate to Protein Ratio. Based on their studies, they believe that protein not only helps with recovery, but also with your energy and endurance during a workout.

I am sure the question of "Protein in Sports Drinks?" will be discussed for many years to come. Check out this article and see for yourself.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Whole Foods or BiLo?

As we move into the weekend, many people will go to the grocery store to buy their groceries. For more and more people, the trend seems to be to buy organic. More grocery stores are now catering to the organic buyer.

Organic is fresh and contains no preservatives, but the downside is that it is most often more expensive and sometimes even 2 to 3 times as much as the packaged food. So, the question becomes, is it worth buying organic?

Alex Mroszczyk-McDonald, of First Endurance, has written a great article on the pros and cons of Organic Food. Check out his article below and if you have any questions, feel free to email Jamie at

"Is it Worth Buying Organic? By Alex Mroszczyk-McDonald with support from (Patricia Rosen MD)

We all know the old saying "You are what you eat." Possibly no group is more aware of what they put into their bodies than athletes. Who are constantly breaking down and then rebuilding muscle, powered predominantly by what they eat. Athletes are well aware of the fat, carbohydrates, protein, sodium, and the plethora of other ingredients in their grocery bags. Some athletes even spend 1.5 to 2.5 more on their monthly grocery bill to purchase organic food, but is the extra cost worth it? The demand for organic foods has grown by 20% annually over the last several years. Many cite the health benefits as well as environmental responsibility they perceive in buying organic. This raises the question, what exactly does it mean to buy and eat "organic" and does it make a difference? The US Department of Agriculture defines organic as "food that is produced by farmers who emphasize the use of renewable resources and the conservation of soil and water to enhance environmental quality for future generations. Organic meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products come from animals that are given no antibiotics or growth hormones. Organic food is produced without using conventional pesticides; fertilizers made with synthetic ingredients or sewage sludge; bioengineering; or ionizing radiation.

Before a product can be labeled "organic," a Government-approved certifier inspects the farm where the food is grown as well as companies that handle or process organic food, to make sure all parties are following all the rules necessary to meet USDA organic standards". To make informed decisions consumers must also be aware of the different labels that foods receive. A label reading "100% Organic" means the entire product must be produced from organic ingredients. "Organic" means that 95% of the product is produced from organic ingredients. "Made with Organic Ingredients" labeling requires that only 70% of the ingredients are organic. "Natural" or "All Natural" does NOT mean organic, and there is no standard definition for this term, any company can use this term at their own discretion. There has been some controversy over the general definitions of organic food and potential health benefits.

Some claim that the criteria to receive an “organic” label are too lax. There have also been numerous conflicting studies attempting to determine the micronutrient difference in organic versus conventionally grown food. There is clear evidence to show that some organic foods contain fewer pesticides, growth hormones and antibiotics that could potentially have harmful health affects. Pesticide levels are monitored by the USDA, however, toxic levels have caused illness in the past and continue to present a small risk. Exposure to antibiotics found in meat and poultry have the potential to select for resistant bacteria within people and may complicate medical treatment should we need medicine that is no longer affective due to the antibiotics in our meal. Growth hormones in cattle and other animals are suspected of causing an increased risk of some types of cancer.

There are many questions remaining on this topic and more research is needed, however, studies so far do not provide clear evidence to state that hormone residue in meat or dairy products directly cause negative human health effects. Of note it is important to distinguish between hormones given to animals to encourage growth and naturally occurring hormone-like substances found in legumes and other vegetables which have health benefits. Most nutrition experts are convinced of the health benefits of organic farming for reasons described below. Due to the many unanswered questions surrounding organic foods, some nutritionists claim that the differences between eating organic versus conventional foods are negligible; while others claim that eating an organic diet is greater than the sum of its parts and the benefits accumulate over time.

Buying "organic" also has social, economic and environmental benefits. Organic farms are usually more aware of the ecosystems around them and operate using renewable and sustained agriculture methods. Most are very conscious of water and soil resource management, such as rotating crops and the local affects of water run off. Soil quality in particular is a major focus of organic farming of which many people are not aware. Many claim that chemicals applied to fields disturb the natural microbiotic activity of soil which constantly breaks down organic matter and solid minerals into nutrient form a plant can then use. In theory an organically grown apple tree will be healthier throughout its lifespan than a conventionally grown apple tree. As a result, the organically grown plant will be able to add more complex components to all of its parts, including the fruit, resulting in an apple chock-full of micro-nutrients and trace minerals that are important for human nutrition.

Organic products have a shorter shelf life, due to the lack of preservatives and pesticides, and as a result are often sold at local stores and markets, as a result, buying organic often helps to support the local economy. Lastly many proponents of organic produce enjoy the opportunity to meet the people who grow their food at local markets or even at the local farm, helping to create a better understanding of farming, natural resources and the process of agriculture. Consumer reports have conducted studies predominantly on the pesticide levels of many organic versus conventional foods. The results they found can help steer your organic purchases. Due to the higher levels of residual pesticides found in the following foods it is recommended to buy organic apples, bell peppers, celery, cherries, imported grapes, nectarines, peaches, pears, potatoes, raspberries, spinach, strawberries, meat and poultry. Other items such as asparagus, avocados, bananas, broccoli, cauliflower, corn, kiwi, mangoes, onions, papayas, pineapples, sweet peas breads and pastas are rarely tainted with pesticides, thus there is minimal potential benefit from buying these organic foods. Lastly, there are no clear definitions for organic labeling on seafood therefore it is not suggested to buy organic seafood. If you choose not to purchase organically grown food there are ways to reduce pesticides on conventional food; buy local vegetables and fruits while they are in season. Fewer pesticides are used when food is not stored for long periods of time or shipped long distances. Peel and cook produce when appropriate, even though some nutrients and fiber are lost in the process. Trim the tops and the very outer portions of celery, lettuce, cabbages, and other leafy vegetables that may contain the bulk of pesticide residues. Wash produce in clean water just before cooking or serving and scrub with a brush if appropriate. Special soaps or washes are not beneficial, cold water is ideal. Lastly trim as much fat and skin from poultry, meat, and fish as possible where some pesticides may concentrate.

So is it worth the extra expense to purchase organic food? I believe that the fewer additives and chemicals we put into our bodies the better. As a result I recommend to my athletes, if it is financially reasonable (and they have not spend their life savings on that new bike), buying certain organic foods have positive health and environmental benefits."

Friday, January 19, 2007

2007 Benchmarks

As we move into the middle of January, many endurance athletes are starting to move from their base phases to their build phases. With this move, it is a great idea to start establishing benchmarks. For a cyclist, this might be a timed 10 mile time trial performed every 4 weeks. For a swimmer, this might be a hard 500 meter time trial performed every 2 weeks.

These key workouts not only give the athlete a great high intensity workout, but also give the athlete feedback over the course of a long season. Based on the continued performances in the "benchmark" workouts, the athlete will know what they need to continue to work on as the season progresses. For more information, email with any questions.

Check out this article, written by Mike Ricci of D3 Multisport, about some great benchmark workouts.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Nutrition for the Endurance Athlete

Author Jim Cunningham, a USA Cycling Level 2 Coach, in my opinion is the best Cycling Coach in the Southeast and one of the best in the nation. Jim has multiple years of experience working with elite level athletes to the recreational cyclist. For more information on Jim's coaching programs and philosophy, email Jim at

Here is Jim's article concerning nutrition for the endurance athlete:

"Guidelines concerning proper nutrition for an endurance athlete:

1) Low-carbohydrate diets are no good for endurance athletes.

2) There are no bad foods...

3) Your timing of certain choices (when you eat them) will improve your performances, fitness, recovery, & weight loss. I.E. High-glycemic foods, especially in combination, should be eaten 3-4 hours before and/or within 30 minutes post-workout (to replenish muscle glycogen and speed recovery).


1) Limit processed carbohydrate sources (pasta, muffins, bread, cereal, etc.) to 3-4 hours before workouts and post-workout (first 30 minutes after) as much as possible. At other times attempt to consume non-root vegetables (avoid carrots, beets, etc.) and eat fresh broccoli, beans, cauliflower, eggplant, zucchini, greens and so on (fresh when possible) and fruits (apples, oranges, grapes, pears, plums, peaches, kiwi, etc...). Avoid bananas and the like. Also, choose fibrous grains such as regular oatmeal, long-grain rice, whole grain breads, etc. Choose carbohydrates you like.

2) Choose lean proteins. All fish, shellfish, chicken, LEAN beef, venison, firm or extra-firm tofu, etc. Avoid fatty protein sources like hamburger, sausage, fried chicken choices, fatty steaks, etc.

3) Fat is good! Do not avoid fat but eat it sparingly (in each meal) as it has 2.5 times the calories of carbohydrate & protein. Use olive oil, canola oil, sunflower oil, peanut oil, avocado, nuts (only a handful), quality dark chocolate, seeds, etc. Avoid animal fats, hydrogenated oil, trans-fats, etc.

4) Alcohol. Wine is fine... as is beer and hard liquor. BUT, keep it to one drink per day most of the time and two on occasion (once or twice per month).

5) Concerning snacks. Think 200 calories and think quality. If it is late at night, choose food with some fat as it helps us feel full and does not impact insulin production greatly (unless in large quantities). Pair your choice with lean protein and quality carbohydrate. I.E. Green apple with 1.5-2 tablespoons peanut butter, OR Clif Bar with 8 almonds, OR Granola Bar & small handful sunflower seeds.

6) "Forbidden Food" To begin with, there is no such thing. We must eat what we like. If you avoid treats you like, eventually you will not be able to stop yourself from eating them... Whatever it is, donuts, DQ Blizzards, Meat-lovers pizza, cake, cookies, eggnog... Keep it to once to twice per month max & keep the quantity small. I.E. 2 regular-size cookies, 1-2 donuts, 1 small or medium Blizzard, etc... Along these lines, 3 or more drinks are o.k. on special occasions provided no more than once per month!

7) Back to the pre-workout meals & post workout meals. 3-4 hours pre-workout, especially longer & harder effort plans, it is appropriate to have a higher portion of carbohydrate & it should come from lesser-quality sources, things that digest quicker than fruits, vegetables, & high-fiber grains. I.E. Spaghetti, tomato sauce & bread or baked potato & some cheese with a piece of chicken or beef. Also, right after and up to 30 minutes post-workout it is important to replenish fluids, electrolytes & glycogen/glucose. Keep to mostly carbohydrate with some protein as above and choose fast-digesting ones such as: 2 Clif Bars & a muffin OR scrambled eggs, pancakes & syrup, etc.

8) Drink plenty of water. All day long ingest water especially with meals and during exercise. At least 48 oz. per day. Never confuse dehydration with weight loss."

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Winter Time and Indoor Training

Here in Greenville, SC, as we approach the middle of January, it is finally starting to feel like winter. With the cold of winter comes the question - how, when, and where to train? It is often too cold or too late to really get quality outdoor training done in the middle of the week. So, the indoor workouts can be our best friends during the winter months.

Training indoors can offer great benefits as it is a great way to start with your base for the season ahead, a great way to perform intervals without having to worry about outside factors such as traffic, weather, etc..., and also a great way to enjoy constant feedback from a machine such as a treadmill, a stationary bike, or an indoor bike trainer.

As with any form of workouts, choosing the correct equipment is key. For instance, what kind of bike trainer you need can vary depending on your needs and expectations. If you only need to be on the trainer for a few hours a week and have a good feel for you heart rate and perceived effort, an inexpensive magnetic trainer might be the best bet for you. If on the other hand, you are an experienced triathlete and aiming for a sub 10 Hour Ironman, a $1,500 CompuTrainer, which gives you a variety of feedback such as Speed, Cadence, Power, Heart Rate, and many others, may be the best bet for you.

For more information about winter training, check out this article written by the staff of Carmichael Training Systems. Check out Tri Your Best or email for more information.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Stay Tuned...

Stay tuned as training tips, articles, and training theory about the three sports of triathlon will be posted on a daily basis.

Check out for all of your Triathlon Coaching needs and email Jamie Church at for any questions.

Stay tuned...

Tri Your Best Announces Triathlon Tips Blog

As of Sunday, January 14th, 2007, Tri Your Best ( has announced the addition of the Tri Your Best Triathlon Tips Blog. Stay tuned to this site as it will have news and tips from some of the best triathlon and cycling coaches in the Southeast.